Since Mr. Jack Stephen Pursley’s tax evasion case showed methods for hiding assets, I discussed his case at my August 16, 2020 post . Then on January 12, 2022, The U.S. Court of Appeals vacated Mr. Pursley’s criminal conviction. Meanwhile, on March 28, 2023 Mr. Pursley pleaded guilty to Count One of his
Tax Fraud
Divorce & Hidden Money: Concealed Assets & Concealment Schemes
Learning about concealment schemes can help you spot concealed assets your spouse places beyond your reach during your divorce. Therefore, a divorcing spouse trying to identify hidden marital assets / community property could learn a lesson from Dr. Krishnaswami Sriram. Dr. Sriram is thought to have concealed assets from the IRS in two suspected …
One Way To Learn How To Search For Assets
Alaska Dentist Allegedly Hid Assets Twice
The First Scheme To Hide Assets
Prosecutors in U.S.A. v. Lockwood, allege Alaska dentist Glenn Lockwood hid assets twice from the IRS. During Mr. Lockwood’s first scheme, Mr. Lockwood supposedly hid $575,000 in federal income…
Concealing Assets At A Sham Church And Offshore Bank Account
In USA v. Allen, Pennsylvania anesthesiologist Mr. James G. Allen Jr. pleaded guilty to tax fraud on June 4, 2019. Mr. Allen’s plan for concealing assets from the IRS seemingly relied on two common concealment methods. These two methods were abusing an offshore bank account and misusing a nominee, (i.e. intermediary). Mr.…
CFO Allegedly Had Millions In Hidden Money Offshore
The IRS thinks Florida businessman and Novatek CFO Mark Anthony Gyetvay, had hidden money offshore. The IRS believes Mr. Gyetvay secretly stashed as much as $93 million offshore in 2 Swiss bank accounts. On September 22, 2021 Mr. Gyetvay was indicted for suspected: tax fraud, failure to file FBAR’s, making false statements…
Don’t Count On An Easy Asset Search If A Nominee Incorporation Service Is Involved
You won’t have an easy asset search if your adversary hires a Nominee Incorporation Service, (“NIS”), to hide assets from you. A NIS helps its customers establish corporations &/or other entities. In The Matter Of The Tax Liabilities Of John Does, prosecutors essentially alleged the Panamanian law firm…
Learn To Spot Hidden Assets By Studying Tax Fraud
Tax fraudsters usually hide undeclared revenue &/or assets by using common concealment methods. By studying the methods you can improve your ability to identify hidden assets. This in turn increases your odds that your asset searches will be successful. The tax fraud case against NYC restaurateur Mr. Adell Kellel, highlights the concealment method of transferring…
How Strachans S.A. Used Common Methods To Hide Assets
In 2014 the offshore financial services firm Strachans S.A. voluntrarily disclosed to U.S. authorities that Strachans had helped some U.S. taxpayers hide assets and income from the IRS. Therefore, prosecutors in U.S.A v. Strachans S.A. IN Liquidation accused Strachans of conspiring to defraud the United States as contemplated by 18 U.S.C. § 371. Based…
Divorce & Hidden Money: An Offshore Asset Search Via The IRS
How do you perform an offshore asset search at the time of your high-net-worth divorce? If your spouse is a taxpayer in the U.S., your spouse may have to make tax filings about assets parked offshore. Among other things, your offshore asset search should elicit any of your spouse’s tax filings about offshore assets. You…