In the Breaking Bad television series, Walter White hid profits from his illegal manufacture of methamphetamine.  He hid illicit drug profits in a crawl space under his house, as the video above partly reveals.  Walter and his wife Skyler also laundered money through the A1A Car Wash.  Walter’s partner in crime, (Breaking Bad’s Jesse Pinkman), purchased real property with illicit cash and drug kingpin Gustavo Fring opened 12 secret Swiss bank accounts.  These asset concealment schemes were described by my post “How Walter White Could Take His Money To A Swiss Bank .”  My post also mentioned Walter could have concealed his illicit profits by using diamonds, as set forth at “Secreting Assets Without A Border Trace.”

“Secreting Assets Without A Border Trace” discussed the fact pattern of a Ponzi schemer who might have travelled to Luxembourg and then concealed Ponzi scheme proceeds in a secret bank account there.  Besides the above-mentioned asset concealment schemes, there are countless others.  The following posts also describe what conceivably could have been fact patterns involving asset concealment schemes.

Video: Courtesy of AMC Network Entertainment, LLC

Copyright 2015 Fred L. Abrams