I will present my program “The Ins & Outs Of Recovering Assets Via Whistleblowers & Other Tipsters” in London at 11:40 AM June 23, 2014, during the Carmelite Chambers International Fraud & Asset Recovery Conference. “The Ins & Outs Of Recovering Assets Via Whistleblowers & Other Tipsters” highlights how whistleblowers sniff out vast sums of money hidden through laundering and other asset concealment schemes. I open the program by discussing the fact pattern of a divorcing husband hiding tens of millions of dollars from his wife and domestic tax authorities, by using shell companies, multiple jurisdictions, etc.
The program features Washington, DC attorney Jack Blum who will talk about the IRS Whistleblower Program. Mr. Blum has been an expert witness for the U.S. Department of Justice and the Internal Revenue Service. Mr. Blum additionally served as associate counsel, or assistant counsel, or special counsel to three U.S. Senate committees or subcommittees; and been quoted by or mentioned in thousands of newspaper and magazine articles around the world.
Since he resigned at the end of 2008, as “Of Counsel” to Baker & Hostetler’s Washington, DC office, Mr. Blum practices part-time for a select group of clients. Just one of Mr. Blum’s clients is whistleblower Rudolf Elmer. As described by “Swiss Banker Blows Whistle on Tax Evasion”, Mr. Elmer provided tips to the IRS, a U.S. Senate subcommittee and the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, about suspected tax cheats with offshore bank accounts. At a January 17, 2011 Frontline Club Press Conference, Mr. Elmer also supplied WikiLeaks with this same kind of information. Mr. Elmer’s whistleblowing led to his criminal prosecution by Swiss authorities, on charges that he violated Swiss bank secrecy law.
The program also features New York City attorney Jordan A. Thomas. Mr. Thomas will discuss the SEC Whistleblower Program. He is a former U.S. Department of Justice trial attorney and an assistant director in the Enforcement Division of the SEC. At the SEC he had a leadership role in the development of the SEC Whistleblower Program including drafting the proposed whistleblower legislation and briefing House and Senate staffs on it. While at the SEC, Mr. Thomas was also assigned to many of its highest-profile matters including Enron, Fannie Mae, UBS and Citigroup. The cases he supervised, investigated and prosecuted resulted in monetary relief for damaged investors, in excess of $35 billion. He is now a partner and chair of the Whistleblower Representation Practice at Labaton Sucharow LLP.
The International Fraud & Asset Recovery Conference will take place from June 23rd-25th and will include speakers ranging from the head of the Mutual Legal Assistance Unit, Switzerland to a judge from the Supreme Court of the Bahamas. To register for this London conference, please click here.
Copyright 2014 Fred L. Abrams