Securities fraudster Trevor Cook, assets that might have been misappropriated from former East Germany, and over $2 million is interdicted at a U.S.-Mexican border crossing:
- Ex-Minneapolis money manager and securities fraudster Trevor Cook was sentenced a week ago to serve twenty-five years in prison forviolating 18 U.S.C. §1341 (mail fraud) and 26 U.S.C. §7201 (tax fraud). As Mr. Cook’s sentencing memorandum reveals, he had earlier argued that the Court should impose just a twenty-year sentence.
Swiss banking documents that might memorialize the misappropriation of assets by parties and people’s organizations from former East Germany, were turned over to the German Embassy in Bern on July 14th. A July 15th media release issued by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs reported that: "Germany had previously asked Switzerland for the documents in order to obtain further information about illegal financial movements before and after the fall of the Berlin Wall."
Federal agents for the Calexico downtown port of entry at the U.S.-Mexican border interdicted more than $2 million dollars which possibly belongs to narco-traffickers. The $2 million pictured below, was uncovered on August 8th during a vehicle inspection that included the use of a currency-firearm detector dog. A press release asserts that the $2 million had been hidden in luggage, a duffle bag and a plastic tub that were placed inside a vehicle.

Photo: U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Copyright 2010 Fred L. Abrams