This "Asset Search News Roundup" concentrates on the International Centre For Asset Recovery ("ICAR"), which is part of the Basel Institute on Governance.  ICAR’s "Knowledge Centre" is particularly geared toward helping "asset recovery practitioners, investigators, prosecutors and policy makers worldwide".

The Knowledge Centre generally has information for domestic governmental authorities, about  forced collection proceedings when assets are hidden offshore in public corruption or other criminal schemes.  ICAR’s hyperlink to "Stolen Asset Recovery: A Good Practices Guide for Non-Conviction Based Asset Forfeiture" for instance, describes how governmental authorities may interdict assets through Mutual Legal Assistance, Letters Of Request, (a.k.a. Letters Rogatory / Legal Assistance Requests), etc. 

Legal remedies similar to those mentioned above are also sometimes available at the individual level to private litigants seeking to recover assets hidden offshore.  To cite just one example, private litigants searching for assets hidden offshore in Switzerland, might pursue the remedies mentioned by "An Asset Search In Geneva".

Copyright 2009 Fred L. Abrams